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Credit Card Vs. Cash – Which One Is Better for Merchants?

If you’re an entrepreneur in today’s world, weighing up the pros and cons of using a credit card VS cash is definitely something you should do. Not so long ago, startups were suited to take cash payments only, whereas nowadays – when 70% of people have at least one credit card – changes are inevitable. So although it’s no big secret that we are moving towards a cashless society, there are costs you will have to pay for settling for one of these (or both).

How to Become PCI Compliant – A Step by Step Guide

If you’re trying to start a business but keep seeing the information that you have to be PCI certified, don’t ignore it. Being compliant with security and data protection rules has many benefits for your company, and here you can learn how to become PCI compliant and what exactly it represents.

Merchant Chimp Vs. Square – Which Credit Card Processing Should You Choose?

Credit card processing can be very confusing, but it’s essential to understand it if you plan on getting merchant services. If you own a small business and you’re choosing between Merchant Chimp vs. Square, we prepared a breakdown of which one is better for credit card processing services.

Why Do Companies Offer a Cash Discount – And Why Should You?

Merchants today know that the most common payment methods are credit and debit cards; people rely on money less and less, and more on cashless options. So why do companies offer a cash discount? There’s a variety of reasons behind this business decision, and most benefit both the customer and the merchant.

What Is a Mobile Notary Public and Why You Need One

There are 4.4 million notary publics in the USA at the moment, and they’re needed more and more on the spot outside their offices. If you want to know what is a mobile notary, this text is a great starting point as we’re about to break down what their role is and how businesses can benefit from hiring them. We’ll also touch on how to become one, so stick around if you’re up for it.

Good Customer Service and Ways It Can Improve Your Business

Good customer service is essential for building a reputable and trustworthy business and brand. However, customers’ expectations are constantly rising. Since consumers are more informed, experienced, smarter, and have more options to choose from than ever, their expectations become higher. For that reason, companies have to come up with a system that will track customers’ happiness, opinions, and feelings towards a particular brand. This will help them map all problematic spots in the way they operate and give them a chance to attain excellent customer service and increase revenue.

What Is the Best Credit Card Machine for a Small Business?

When you’re running a company, every decision you make along the way is crucial. Deciding what the best credit card machine for a small business is and getting the right equipment is a major turning point. It will impact your success in the long run. So read on to get to know about the most influential brands, modern features, processors, and more. Save your money, increase your revenue, and boost customer experience with our helpful tips.

What is Cash Back and How Does It Work for Businesses

You have opened a small business recently and you want to gain as many loyal customers as possible with a new method of payment where both you and your clients can benefit. Then you are probably wondering: what is cash back and why should I use it? According to the latest statistics, 80% of cardholders have cashback on preferred cards. This is a great reason to keep reading and get answers to the questions How does it work and How can it benefit both you and your clients.


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