Having the possibility of online payments is very important nowadays. If you are not on the Web, it’s like you don’t even exist in the business. Reliable Merchant Service Provider will help you grow and be safe in this market.
Book a CallWe live in a world that is turning to procure services on the online market more and more every day, and they have to pay for them online too. With the expansion of the online payments system and online payment providers, you have to make sure that you find the ones that work best for you. Not to mention the online frauds that are having their golden era nowadays. To understand better what is involved in the online transaction process, we will try to disassemble it into steps and give you a better picture. What is it that you can adjust to your needs, what and where are the potential threats and what is the best online payment service?
In short, Online payment goes like this:
This is a cycle that has many parties involved and many MSP-s have a contract with third parties for some of them which can make the final cost of the transaction higher. The ideal situation is that your MSP does the most of these steps on their own, that said to have reliable software for it.
When you get your monthly invoice for the Credit Card Processing, it can get confusing at times, there are many fees that you can’t appoint to a specific expense. It is important to get an MSP that has a transparent service cost breakdown, all the fees should be separated, or at least separated into categories. The only way to know what you pay for is to have a clear monthly statement. There are fees that are not negotiable, like the ones you pay to Card Brands and the ones that can make or break the deal with your MSP or the negotiable ones.
Statistics predicted 224 000 000 online shoppers in the USA for the year 2019. This is an ever-rising, considerable market, and you probably want a piece of the pie for your business. It is not enough to set up a quality online shop, you have to consider the safety of your transactions (we can’t stress this enough) the uptime and the downtime for your transaction gateway and the convenience and cost of your provider. A reliable transaction system and MSP can make a huge impact on all of this and cost you a lot or be perfectly economical if you choose right.
Get a QuoteTo put it bluntly, you have negotiable and non-negotiable fees for your providers. Although you can’t do anything about non-negotiable one, the others can save you a lot of money on your monthly and yearly expenses. The trick is to distinguish between the to, and make the ones that vary from provider to provider work to your advantage. Contact our team to find out how much you can save exactly.
What is great is this is not a bill-back method and you’ll get your monthly statements for what they really were in the previous month. This way, you will know exactly what you pay for on a month-to-month basis for your merchant account.
Yes, you can, and you should. If you have a business and an MSP already, try to compare the cost of their service with ours. We can guarantee that we can save you a lot of money on your payment processing. We are in a competitive market and we strive to give you the best service possible for a reasonable price.
Fraud is a huge problem, especially when it comes to online payments. If you ever wondered how can I take payment online without jeopardizing my business or the safety of my clients, we are the best solution for you.
By making a smart choice when deciding between the different MSPs, you will secure both your business and your customers from possible frauds. What is important here is to have an MSP that has a reliable safety system that can easily detect frauds and prevent possible break-ins. The Web is a deep-sea, and we have the proper safety net. Contact us to find out more about our state of the art security system.
What we can do is to take your Credit Card statements and give you a side by side comparison with the predicted costs of our services. Besides the responsive and trained operators, we pride ourselves on expertise. There is no question considering transaction processing we can’t answer. With us, you will be able to save anywhere from 20% and upwards for processing fees on your merchant account. For example, for a $50 000 transaction volume, you will save at least $250.
The other advantage is that we are very transparent. You won’t have to decipher your statement, everything will be clearly separated. This is the best way to stay up to date with your expenses and have more control over them.
One of the biggest advantages of ours is that we don’t obligate you by any yearly contract, if you are not satisfied with our services, you can back out at any time. This makes us a risk-free choice. Contact our sales agent representatives to find out how we can help you grow and save money where you can.
It never hurts to know how much you can save.